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Design Form

Need help designing a system? Provide us with some information, and we will be happy to help design your custom irrigation system! Fill out this form and email (or mail) to along with any other map or references you think will assist us in meeting all your needs!

Design Form 2024


Flow Capacity Charts


Coming soon…



How does Drip Tape work?

You may be surprised to learn it isn’t just a hole….

Have an orchard, berry patch, or hop yard?

Our heavy wall drip systems are your solution for an affordable yet effective way of irrigating.

Meet the new impact sprinkler

The R2000 Wind Fighter by Nelson Irrigation

Find out how our Exclusion Netting protects against Spotted Wind Drosophila (SWD) with no spray, even improves yields!

New York’s own, Dale-Ila Riggs is an industry leader in the fight against this invasive pest.

Here she describes how she not only had less than a 1% infestation rate with no sprays, but actually increased yields by using exclusion netting!